Much Needed Funds

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President Biden and his administration made it imperative to give economic aid, once again, to most Americans. Besides overseeing the distribution in mass scale of the already approved COVID vaccines, the Democratic party set their first priority as economic equality for the poor. The purpose of these checks is to lighten the financial catastrophe deserving families and dependents are experiencing as COVID reached its first anniversary. 

To recap, the first two bills were aimed to give financial aid for the unemployed with children 17 years of age and younger as well as coronavirus testing. What was dubbed the Biden America Rescue Plan enhances rounds of stimulus payments for up to $1,400 for most Americans with children to decrease national poverty. This is one of the largest economic rescue packages in US history! 

Additionally, according to The Washington Post, lawmakers set aside billions of dollars to fund coronavirus testing and contact tracing for “‘every adult in America” by the end of May.” President Biden’s administration also set aside funds for small businesses and schools so state governments can endure longer while setting aside $5 billion for federal programs to increase food inventories and $9 billion to provide Internet access for virtual students.

Right now, the third COVID stimulus checks have been released to the public. This third-round of stimulus was given to single individuals making $75,000 or less and $150,000 for those who are married. Each dependent child also received a check for $1,400. Those with an AGI (Average Gross Income) of above $250K get no aid at all. 

Countless American families once again received a much needed relief from the economic effects of the pandemic.