With 2025 just starting and people wanting to try new things, why don’t you learn a new language? This year, I decided to try to learn Spanish. While I can understand it, I want to be able to communicate with my loved ones. Learning a second language is one of the greatest things one can do to expand their knowledge. So, how does one start to learn a new language? This will be your guide to finding multiple ways to achieve this goal!
Before I start telling you some methods, you must consider your reasons for learning this language. It is fundamental to have reasons that remind yourself why you are learning this. There will be times when you will be unmotivated, so it is good to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. For example, you may be doing this to communicate with family or friends. You may want to travel to a country that speaks your desired language, or you may want to admire the culture. Whatever your reason is, just remember to use it as an incentive!
To start, sign up for Duolingo. Duolingo is a great online tool to help you learn some basic words, phrases and grammar. While doing your lessons, remember to say the sentences out loud so you get used to pronunciation. Furthermore, try doing at least 15 minutes a day. Having a time goal will help keep you motivated and hold you accountable. Another critical step is to speak. Practicing the new language from day one is essential. While around the house, you can name objects in your target language. This helps recall information and allows you to incorporate your target language into your day-to-day life.
Additionally, try journaling in the language you are learning. This helps you get used to forming sentences. Moreover, this enables you to learn words that you will use daily. Search for any words you don’t know and try forming sentences with them. Now, let’s say you are lazy and just want to kick back and relax. Well, you can find shows in your target language. This allows you to hear pronunciation and to see the culture. Maybe you are really into a show in your native language but still want to learn. Well, put on subtitles in the language you’re learning! This allows you to do some reading comprehension.
Further, listen to podcasts and music. This allows you to immerse yourself fully in the language. With music, you can translate the lyrics and you can work on your pronunciation. By listening to podcasts, you can practice understanding native speakers.
Overall, with dedication and reminding yourself why you are learning the language, you can speak, understand, listen, and read in no time. Remember, you are not going to be perfect. Practicing is how you will get better, and making mistakes is okay! I wish you luck in learning the language you want. Remember, you can do this!